Over 30 years of experience defending society
Leonardo Amarante Advogados Associados is considered one of the biggest offices in the country for civil responsibility, acting on the defense and effective moral and physical repair for the victims and their families, making sure they receive the right indemnity.
Acting Areas
We specialize on the fight for victim’s amends in over 20 areas of economy, from plane crashes to medical errors.
Through collective and individual actions, we make companies compensate and soften victims and families suffering, making it an example to other corporations.
Big Cases
We have acted on some of Brazil’s biggest cases of plane crashes, such as Gol, Tam and Air France accidents. Also, on environmental disasters such as the dam rupture of Samarco, in the city of Mariana – Minas Gerais.
In all those cases, we fought for years to make sure that the victims and their families got the right reparation.
In over 30 years of action, we have
helped thousands of victims.
Strengthening civil society through justice and comfort for
those families who suffered and that are still suffering.
Our Team
We are proud to work with a highly qualified team, with national and international expertise to solve cases, and that works to legally guide the clients and soften crises, pursuing the right moral and physical reparations.
- Lawyer registered in OAB/RJ nº 118.467 - Graduated from Universidade Estácio de Sá - Post graduated in Law and Labor Process from Escola Superior de Advocacia da OAB-RJ - Post graduated in Procedural Law from Pontifícia Universidade Católica (PUC/RJ) - Psychologist gratuated from Pontifícia Universidade Católica (PUC/RJ)
Carolina Junqueira
- Lawyer registered in OAB/RJ nº 104.508 - Graduated from Universidade Veiga de Almeida
José Carlos
- Lawyer registered in OAB/RJ nº 105.237 - Graduated from Universidade Cândido Mendes
Juliana Costa
- Lawyer registered in OAB/RJ nº 84.748 - Graduated from Pontifícia Universidade Católica (PUC/RJ) - Master in Civil Rights from Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (UERJ) - Post-graduated in Business Law from Ibmec Business School
Marcos Tabet
- Lawyer registered in OAB/RJ nº 155.708 - Graduated from Centro Universitário da Cidade – UniverCidade
Renata Lize
We understand that communication channels are an excellent and effective tool to generate visibility to the causes of our clients. It is through the press, social networks and other channels that we denounce abuses and mobilize society around causes that impact us all.
Ancelmo Gois: ‘Dieselgate’ da Volkswagen
Vara Empresarial do Rio condenou a Volkswagen a pagar indenização de, acredite, R$ 1,091 bilhão por danos morais e materiais, mais juros e correção, “pela instalação de software fraudulento” que burla a emissão de gases poluentes no modelo Amarok. Trata-se de um escândalo mundial que ficou conhecido como “dieselgate’,’ em 2015. A multinacional, segundo o […]
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